Proposal for RBI Compounding Application

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As per the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 Reserve Bank of India is empowered to compound certain contravention under Foreign Exchange Management Act 1999 (FEMA 1999). To understand compounding, we have to understand the concept of contraventions.

The contravention is a breach of any or all of the following:

  • Provisions of FEMA, 1999
  • Rule made under FEMA
  • Directions
  • Regulations

As compounding is not defined under the Act or Rules made thereunder, it can be stated as under:

  • A compounding means a process of voluntarily accepting or admitting the contravention, pleading guilty, and seeking apology & redressal.

Compounding Process

Submission of Application

An application is to be submitted along with the following details as may be required, to the Compounding Authority, or authority as may be prescribed depending upon the amount or nature of the contravention.

  • Details of Investment
  • Details External Commercial Borrowing
  • Details Overseas Direct Investment
  • Memorandum of Association
  • Latest Audited Financial Statement
  • Undertaking that the applicant is not under investigation of any agency such as DOE or CBI
  • Details of Bank Account
Payment of Fees

An application fee of Rs. 5000/- should be paid along with the Application Form. Such fees should be paid by way of demand draft in favor of the Reserve Bank of India.

Examination by RBI

On receipt of Application, RBI must examine the application along with other documents and submissions to assess whether the contravention can be expressed in quantity if so then amount of contravention.

Calling for Additional Documents / Information

The compounding Authority may call for any additional documents or information as may be required depending upon case to case. In the event of failure of presenting further information, the application is liable to be rejected.

Opportunity of Being Heard

Person presenting Application for Compounding is given an opportunity to present his version of truth.

Passing Compounding Order

The following factors are to be considered while granting compounding order

  • Amount of loss caused to any authority or agency due to such contravention
  • The amount of gain or unfair advantage as a result of contravention
  • Economic benefits accruing to the contravener from delayed or avoided compliance
  • Track record or history of contravener
  • contravener’s conduct in undertaking the transaction
Payment of Compounding Fees

On the basis of above given factor Compounding charges / fees are decided and ordered the contravener to pay such amount as a fine.

Issuance of Certificate

On payment compounding fees compounding authority issues certificate of payment of a penalty

Frequently asked

  • How can Regitimate help me with company registration?
    We assist in the entire company registration process, from choosing the right business structure to preparing and filing the necessary documents. Our experts will guide you through the process to ensure compliance with all relevant laws and regulations.
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    Yes, we cater to both individuals and businesses, regardless of size. Our services are designed to meet the needs of startups, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and large corporations.
  • What compliance services does Regitimate provide?
    Regitimate helps your business stay compliant with various regulations and requirements, such as annual filings, licenses, permits, and more. We offer ongoing support to ensure your business operates within the legal framework.
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    Yes, we offer tax filing services to individuals and businesses. Our tax experts will ensure accurate and timely filing to help you minimize your tax liability while remaining compliant with tax laws.
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